Saturday, March 21, 2009

Winogradsky Column Update #3

About two weeks ago I had to set the columns outside. The control column wasn't giving off much odor but the amended column with the oatmeal had a very strong odor emanating from it. It wasn't strictly a sulfur smell, but it smelled foul and somewhat like decomposing organic matter.

The temperature outside has been variable - the nights get close to freezing but lately it has been very sunny and the temperatures have been around 60 degrees F.

Some of the water from the amended column has evaporated and the thin layer of orange bubbles/scum clinging to the bottle has become has become more pronounced. The water at the top has become cloudier and there appears to be a lower, more orange layer within the water layer. The soil in the amended column is very dark, almost black in some spots, but there aren't any other color changes.

In the control column there is still a large amount of plant growth in the water layer and the water is still quite clear, but with a green tint. The middle 1/3 of the soil has taken on a rust-colored tint with the rest of the soil appearance unchanged.

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